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Education and IoT

Education and IoT

Education at its core is all about the attainment of knowledge and developing that as a useful “tool” in our personal and business lives. Especially...

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5 Tech Triumphs for Education

With great tech, comes great triumphs. Whether technology is a friend or foe, it can be used for good. (Mostly) In Higher Education spaces, it’s...

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Legacy EdTech and HallTech

Legacy EdTech and HallTech

“I’m used to doing it this way!” “I want it my way!” “We’ve always historically done it this way!” Does any of this sound vaguely familiar? Perhaps...

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Hall Technologies and TCO

Hall Technologies and TCO

Conventional wisdom and even common sense says you get what you pay for. If you buy a "cheap" product you get a “cheap” product, right? Sorry, it is...

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